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Puzzle Research Data Technology (Predatech) Profile

Puzzle Research Data Technology (Predatech) is a Research Organization/Community under Faculty of Science and Technology UIN Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau with consists of lecturers and. It was founded in 2015 and was recognized by the Dean, Dr. Hartono, M.Pd on November 11th 2016 with the issuance of Decision Letter Number: Un.04/F.V/PP.00.9/26/2016. Furthermore, in 2018 the issuance of Rector Decree of UIN Suska Riau Number: 0676/R/2018 on March 13th 2018 on the Organizational Structure of Puzzle Research Data Technology. Division on Predatech consists of:

  1. Research and Training Division
  2. Social Religiosity and Community Service Division
  3. Scientific Publication Division
  4. Student Creativity Development Division
  5. Public Relation, Cooperation and Information Division
  6. Research Collaboration Division
  7. Data Intensive Infrastructure Division
  8. Communication and International Conferences Division

In general, Predatech has the goal of producing credible and qualified research, collaborating with the government, synergizing in producing research with stakeholders, Support the achievement of national development and produce a team of reliable, committed and professional. In particular it has a goal to develop research in the field of machine learning to become the main axis in Indonesia. Predatech is a part of the realization of researchers in the field of Machine Learning (ML), which until now continues to grow.

Field study of machine learning is very broad in the scope of computer science, however there are 4 parts of the field as Predatech main focus, namely:

  1. Data Mining, Data Science and Big Data
  2. Artificial and Computational Intelligence
  3. Decision Support and Expert System
  4. Intelligence Information System

Puzzle Research has several main activities:

Predatech Creation and Inspiration of Technology (Precision)

Is an annual event in competitions, workshops and National Seminars of Technology for high school level as well as students, lecturers and general.

Indonesian Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Data Mining (IJAIDM)

IJAIDM is a scientific journal by Predatech, published 2 times a year, March and November. The main study of this journal is the Field of Artificial Intelligence and Data Mining. The first edition of IJAIDM was on March 31st, 2018. The journal is listed on International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) Printed: 2614-3372 and Online 2614-6150.

Predatech on Charity (Preority)

It is a social-care area that focuses on giving aid, donations and necessities from the Orphanage. Fundraising from Donors in the form of cash, basic needs, clothes and school landings. Preority is held every Ramadhan.

Ngoding Bareng Predatech (Ngobprec)

Routine activities every Saturday that deal with programming, application model development concepts and machine learning modeling. Programming language that has been studied is Python Programming.

Predatech Magazine of Technology (Prezitech)

Prezitech is a magazine of activities and predatech activities collected within 6 months. The magazine is published every two years, February and August.